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54 humboldt int’l film festival digital program


Vote for your favorite films in all of the categories…favorite Narrative, Documentary, Experimental, Animation, In Solidarity with Black Lives Matter & Social Justice Issues, and Self-Care and Wellness During COVID. Winners will be announced on Friday, April 23rd.


Thank you!

To all the people that have helped along the way to make the 54th Humboldt Int’l Film Festival possible we wanted to recognize you and know how much we appreciate the support!


Dr. Jason Meriwether

Dean Dr. Eboni Ford Turnbow

Dr. Tom Jackson

Kevin Furtado

Margueritte Powers

FILM 260 Students

HSU TFD Department

Susan Abbey

Ann Alter

David Scheerer

Dave Jannetta

Montel VanderHorck III

Debra Ryerson

Brec Ronis

Jyll Jackson

Sandy Wieckowski

Sandra Harpe

Travis Williams

Gina Yap

Peter Blickensderfer

Kat Lundahl

Norbert Rodriguez

Pablo Koontz & his family

Maria Matteoli & the Matteoli family

Cassandra Hesseltine

Humboldt-Del Norte Film Commission

Josh Neff, and The Minor Theatre Staff

Our Judges:

Mo-Desir Harper

Isley Reust

Woodrow Hunt